November 16, 2007


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This pomegranate liqueur from Heaven Hill Distilleries (Evan Williams Kentucky Straight Bourbon, Whaler's Rum, Burnett's gin and vodka, etc.) employs all-natural California pomegranates and colors the product with elderberry and grapeskin extracts.

• PAMA Pomegranate Liqueur: The current pomegranate craze -- fresh fruit, fresh and frozen juices, processed drinks -- was the impetus for this first-of-a-kind liqueur. It's a very versatile item for mixed drinks.

It is at once tart and sweet, which awakens both the palate and the imagination to employ it to its fullest. You can find a variety of recipes online. However, I created my own tequila-based cocktail in which PAMA provided an almost gingery element that pleasantly permeated the drink. The recipe:

3 parts extra aƱejo tequila
1 part Grand Marnier
1 tablespoon agave nectar
3 tablespoons PAMA
Sweet black cherry for garnish

Put all ingredients in a cocktail shaker filled halfway with fresh ice. Shake vigorously, then strain into a chilled cocktail glass and garnish with the stem-on cherry.

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